The Company complies with several government environmental laws through the following initiatives: re-use or recycling of effluent water (PD984 or Clean Water Act); proper disposal of busted lamps used oil and used/spent batteries (RA6969 or Toxic Substance and Hazardous and Nuclear Waste Control Act) and annual stack emission testing of generator sets (RA8749 or Clean Air Act). The Company saves energy its office headquarters by installing variable frequency drives for chilled water pump operations in the centralized air- conditioning system. It also has materials recovery facilities for solid waste management, which results in an average reduction of 25 tons per year of solid waste for disposal.
The vermicomposting facilities reduce solid waste from tree and plant trimmings and the resulting organic fertilizer is used for plants propagation. The Company uses mostly “green sealed” or “designed for the environment” chemicals for housekeeping, which reduces the health risk among clean- ers. The Company also has properly labeled trashcans (reus- able, biodegradable, non-biodegradable) which makes it easy to segregate waste. It also uses biodegradable trash bags.